Forest School
Forest School sessions are available termly and very popular. The sessions allow the children to enjoy the vast, woodland environment that is available to us. They explore outdoor learning and play and sessions are led by a qualified Forest School Practitioner.
What is Forest School?
Forest school emphasises the importance of being outdoors at any age and enjoying the positive experiences. Our qualified Forest School Practitioner carefully prepares the area and child-led, achievable learning activities are organised for the session. Observing children is the key to the successful sessions in the woods. Children have different styles and schema of learning and sessions are flexible and designed to suit. Outdoor learning allows children to experience the world in a holistic way, stimulating all of their senses.
What happens at Forest School?
Forest School usually runs once a week in the afternoons from 1.00-3.00pm. Although, a short walk into the woods there are many exciting discoveries along the way. Once at the site, children are offered small achievable tasks to complete at their own pace. Their achievements lead to the increase of their self-esteem and helps enhance confidence. The prepared environment and the exploration of play are the most important parts in the sessions. Parents are invited to make a voluntary contribution if their child attends the sessions.
Some of the known benefits of Forest School
- Resistance: Helps build a stronger immune system
- Confidence: Study nature and develop new competencies
- Independence: Explore and discover for themselves without any adult interruption
- Collaboration: Encourages teamwork and aiding peers
- Communication: Leads to comfort in speaking with parents, friends and in school
- Having fun
Forest School runs in all weather conditions apart when conditions are unsafe (i.e. high winds, thunder and lightning). We take every opportunity to be outdoors and experience the great British weather. Our first priority is always safety. Children must always be provided with suitable clothing in colder weather warm clothing, in warmer weather hats and sun-cream and all year round waterproofs and wellies are highly recommended. All required site risk assessments are under taken and qualified first-aiders are always on hand.